Meet the …

Now to the next meet and greet participant.

This time let me introduce you to the second placers … PRODUKTION CREW!
After all It is only appropriate that I introduce the winners of the dance category first.Produktion Crew BW

And here is the question and answer portion:

1. What is your crew/group name? Why this name? When was it formed?
Produktion – formed in 2011
A group of guys performing on stage

 2. How many members and list the names.
Matthew, William, Karl, Radley, Justin, Jerrick, Reuben, Aaron, Francis
(* for the safety of the individual, only first names are given) 

3. Describe your dance/singing style.
Fun, entertaining, technical, surprising and different

4. What does your group want to achieve? 
To become better dancers and help others through dance.

5. In five words or less, describe your group. 
Just for fun!

Now that you know a little bit more about the crew, here’s some eye candy to gawk at –
Produktion Crew

But wait, there’s more! Eye candy photos can be found in my FB album – Raw Sounds
And if that isn’t enough, visit hubby’s Facebook page for more photos – SB3 Photography

Two down, 20 to go.
I hope you all enjoy reading these posts as much as I love writing them.
Let me know what you think in the comment below.

Thank you for your support and enjoy a great morning, afternoon or night (wherever you are in the world) 🙂


(Photos courtesy of: SB3 Photography and his website here)

Let me know what you think :)